The New Face of Anti-Semitism: 'Israel Hate Week', BDS and Anti-Zionism
"As a member of the South African Parliament and in the name of millions of my fellow black citizens of that country: we know what apartheid really was and I therefore ask those in the US, Europe and anywhere else in the world who charge Israel with practicing Apartheid to please stop doing so. You are damaging the truth. You are damaging any chance for peace in the Middle East. And most of all, you are destroying the memory of the real apartheid. The charge that Israel is an apartheid state is a lie about the real Israel. And it is a lie about the real apartheid." Israel Apartheid Week 2014 is based on a lie. The true reason behind it is hatred for Jews (VIDEO) - Kennith Meshoe (Member of the South African Parliament) "'Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination' is part of the EU’s working definition of anti-Semitism...Zionism is, at its core, the belief that the Jewish people have a right to self-determine in the Land of Israel. Why anti-Zionism is inherently anti-Semitic, Eylon Aslan-Levy, Times of Israel, Dec 8, 2013 PM Stephen Harper: "But his is the face of the new anti-Semitism. It targets the Jewish people by targeting Israel and attempts to make the old bigotry acceptable to a new generation. Text of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's speech to the Israeli parliament, Canadian Press, Jan 21, 2014 PM Netanyahu: “The boycotters must be exposed for what they are: they’re classical anti-Semites in modern garb...We have to fight them. It’s time to delegitimize the delegitimizes” Netanyahu: It's Time to Delegitimize the Delegitimizers, INN, Feb 18, 2014 "The so-called SPHR [student] club has been systematically acting for the violation of Jewish Human Rights, deviously wrapping the club’s anti-Semitic agenda in the pseudo-fashionable politically correct guise of anti-Zionism" Op-Ed: Jewish Students Fight Back on Canadian Campus, Prof Phyllis Chesler, INN, Jan 24, 2014 "As a matter of observation, there seems little doubt “anti-Zionism” can stem from, or turn into, anti-Semitism. Concern for the plight of the Palestinians too often congeals into hatred for their Jewish “oppressors,” and the more fevered and intemperate the criticism, the more one suspects this is the case." Andrew Coyne: Harper’s Knesset speech was passionate, sincere, and — for the most part — right, National Post, Jan 20, 2014 Op-Ed: It's Out in the Open: Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism Phyllis Chesler, INN, Jan 21, 2014 "Anti-Israel or Anti-Semitic", (VIDEO) Prof Tammi Rossman-Benjamin interview w/Michael Coren |